Customized designs for solving heat-related problems in industrial plants.

We are a leader in solving problems related to heat, noise and expansion due to temperature changes.
We design, manufacture and install textile solutions for heat management and energy saving in industrial realities.
We can boast a long experience in the technology sector, and this allows us to study at our best your needs and how to solve them. For more than 35 years we have been taking our engineering expertise from the province of Como all over the world, measuring ourselves against all kinds of critical issues in plants that develop extreme temperatures and finding more and more innovative solutions.

Wherever there are high temperatures to deal with, we are there!


Each NewComponit project follows a quality path.

We have patented proprietary processes for solving heat-related problems-an additional safeguard in the design, testing, and installation of our products.

expansion joints

We always have the proper compensator, even for the most extreme conditions



Passive Fire Protections
Since 2006, the first UL1709 certified flexible protection in Italy

insulation jackets

Efficient and safe, flexible, easily installable and removable

Safety shields

Protect, enhance security and save money


Acoustic Cleaning Systems

Versatility and efficiency on top
The power of vibrations

NewComponit | Pulizia Acustica


Today, New Componit plays in an absolutely prestigious role in the world of plant engineering, particularly energy, transportation and wherever heat develops as a result of manufacturing processes.

Environmental sustainability and the future

We want to improve our climate by promoting sustainable insulation systems with the aim of saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.


What more do our products have?

We have a laboratory available through which we can verify the acoustic performance of our trumpets.

Yes, we have a practice room!

We test and analyze each product. We invest in research and development to always offer you the best, today but also tomorrow.

Calcium-free insulation products

We want to provide the market with a range of products designed to prevent the possible formation of hexavalent chromium in industrial plants and motoring.

NewComponit | Value Chain

Why value chain?

Passion and expertise serving customers

We want to maximize value creation within our reality. This tool allows us to check our competitive advantage and measure its ability to create value both against competing firms and against the cost incurred to create it.

We value our work more.

Our commitment to quality and growth is real.

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