Customized designs for solving heat-related problems in industrial plants.
We are a leader in solving problems related to heat, noise and expansion due to temperature changes.
We design, manufacture and install textile solutions for heat management and energy saving in industrial realities.
We can boast a long experience in the technology sector, and this allows us to study at our best your needs and how to solve them. For more than 35 years we have been taking our engineering expertise from the province of Como all over the world, measuring ourselves against all kinds of critical issues in plants that develop extreme temperatures and finding more and more innovative solutions.
Each NewComponit project follows a quality path.
We have patented proprietary processes for solving heat-related problems-an additional safeguard in the design, testing, and installation of our products.
Today, New Componit plays in an absolutely prestigious role in the world of plant engineering, particularly energy, transportation and wherever heat develops as a result of manufacturing processes.